a day in the life

everyone is always questioning what i do all day. besides feeding and changing little lo around the clock, we actually do find time for quite a lot…8:00am up and at ’em, 9:00am breakfast, 10:00am bath, 11:00am quick snooze while the big kids eat, 12:00pm lunch, 1:00pm questioning the european souvenirs brought home from nana, 2:00pm playing with friends, 3:00pm afternoon snack, 4:00pm nap, 5:00pm hanging with great grammy at a family birthday party, 6:00pm dinner, 7:00 crashed for the night. or something like that anyway.

2 Responses to “a day in the life”

  1. blonde

    looks like a pretty good day to me. i think she is really workin’ it in the 1 o’clock hour!


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