dressing, as anna : playing, up high, down low, in the middle too slow! : watching, the lion king : infatuated, by you tube videos of the big bad wolf : prefers, to sip her water from a shot glass : gaga, over horses : swears, Â footed jammies make her fast : asks, for a lollipop and/or candy cane morning, noon and night : requests, a ‘shamwhich’, apples, fish and water for every meal : loathes, taking a bath : refuses, naps but eventually caves : wrestles, the bison : questions, ‘how your day was?’ : refers, to every meal as breakfast : says, ‘thank you’ three thousand times a day
52 project
monthly mini – logan
52 project – a portrait of logan, once a week, every week, in 2014
i’ve lost track of the months. but who’s still counting right?! i am however, well aware that we’re somewhere in the second year. that year that everyone talks so highly of. two is tough! the pull on your emotions, tear your heart out, question your capabilities tough. the show up at nursery school drop-off in tears along side your tantrum throwing toddler tough. we’re having a rough go and i hope the attention of a nice long holiday break will help cure the current madness. good thing she’s cute, otherwise she might have found her way amongst my ebay listings.
monthy mini – logan
52 project – a portrait of logan, once a week, every week, in 2014
it wasn’t long ago i can remember logan watching me play pretend with a little girl a year or two older than her with a distinct look of confusion on her face as i bought an invisible cheeseburger from said girl and theatrically ate every last bite. her look will forever be ingrained in my memory. i could tell her little mind was in over drive as if to say wt* are you two crazies talking about. can you blame her?! fast forward to last weeks two and a half year checkup, when logan’s doctor asked if her accompanied doll could talk and she responded with a ‘she’s just pretend.’ i blushed while he told us to hit the road, his work was done and he needed to examine my ‘baby’ no further. needless to say, this chicks imagination is on a fast paced tear. not only is it fun to sit back and watch her mind unfold but it’s even more entertaining to join in and egg her imagination on. she’s got a baby she meticulously tends to and insists we don’t wake up. she’s got a pal named hiccup, who looks like daddy but is a kid, and runs off with her cellphone constantly. and she often vacations to the beach where she swims with ‘shawks’. two and a half is silly stupid.
monthy mini – logan
 52 project – a portrait of logan, once a week, every week, in 2014
conversation with this spitfire should not go unnoted, that’s for sure…
to drue who’s the quietest mouse there ever was – ‘calm down druebie and listen to me’
while doing squats on the bottom step and holding onto the banister – ‘i’m doing my exercising’
when she noticed i put a runner on the dining table – ‘is it my birthday?’
as we pass the obnoxious barking dog every night on our walk – ‘he thinks i’m a cat’
while i was talking to the sitter one morning – ‘stop talking to my friend’
after every spill that could potentially cause tears – ‘i’m ok!’
when she couldn’t open the lid to a toy – ‘i’m frustrated mommy’
while bossing us around – ‘daddy’s the big boss, i’m the little boss, and mommy’s nothing’
to her baby on the way to school – ‘it’s ok bub, it be fun there’
after i torture her every night about her days activities – ‘stop asking me no more questions’
every time we leave lo’s bedroom – ‘we have to shut the door so the big bad wolf can’t get in’
to the mama in the park who’s baby approached lo – ‘we getting a baby at our house soon’
when we discovered we ran out of diapers – ‘oh come on!’
as my stomach was growling – ‘you not hungry, you had dinner last week’
every morning since our stay in brooklyn – ‘we go to my new bedroom in new york city?’
when asked what all the scartches on her thumb were from – ‘playing with the razor mommy shaves her ears and face with’
i could go on for days. and no, i don’t shave my ears and my two year old definitely doesn’t play with razors. you can’t make this *hit up!
monthly mini – logan
52 project – a portrait of logan, once a week, every week, in 2014
this has been the month of adventure. two is treating us well and has enabled us to pick up and go for hours on end with no planned agenda. i think we’ve visited more philadelphia attractions in the past 30 days than the past 3 years. on the other hand, two is pushing the desire to add a newborn to the mix farther and farther from our radar. this poor kid may be twelve before she lays hands on a sibling. however, with adventure comes independence, and i’m not yet ready for this baby to turn big girl quite yet. her vocabulary if off the charts, the crib has been converted and pre-school enrollment has been payed for. talk about a punch to the gut. all this change has left me quiet and secretly panicked over how fast time does fly. maybe a new squishy set of thighs isn’t a bad idea after all. just kidding!
things worth remembering about 28 months:
enrolled in ‘pre’ school come september
after frequenting the zoo often this month is obsessed with the bison
painted her piggies for the first time
often asks for turner since our canadian cousins skipped town
wore pigtails for a total of thirty minutes
enjoys a nightly walk around the neighborhood (occasionally costume clad)
packed up all our baby toys and are filling our space with more engaging finds
converted the crib to bed and took the transition like a champ
requests rio + over the hedge
tells us we’re her best friend
visited the philadelphia art museum and painted like monet
joined the scooter gang
devours salmon + corn on the cob
monthly mini – logan
52 project – a portrait of logan, once a week, every week, in 2014
this kid continues to kill us with cuteness. i mean look her face. how could you not kiss those cheeks one million times a day?! we’re obsessed with lo’s chatty and inquisitive personality and enjoying every minute of this independent age. a lull in conversation is rare to come by these days and more often than not we find ourselves biting our tongues and holding back hysterics when we really should be disciplining her majesty. curious as ever, logan wants to know everybody’s name, and what it is that they’re doing, and where it is that they’re going, and where their mommy is, and ??? no matter who or what you are, logan wants to know all there is before chilling out and won’t take no for an answer. speaking of no, it’s a favorite word of choice and one we’re slowly working on editing out. the girl knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to speak her mind. i can’t say i blame her, as i wonder where she gets it. long story short, at twenty-six months we’re alive and active as ever. all three of us that is. all schedules have fallen by the wayside, we’re almost always on the go leaving the stroller and paraphernalia behind, occasionally cautiously dining out, and most recently us big kids have started diving back into our beloved individual hobbies on a more regular basis. life has become familiar again and i’m loving this sweet season of ours.
monthly mini – logan
52 project – a portrait of logan, once a week, every week, in 2014
25 months  /  weighing in at 28 pounds and standing 34.5 inches tall  /  snoozes 11 hours a night  / naps 3 hours a day  /  loves to read  /  adamant about what shoes she’s wearing  /  is up for a hair bow on occasion  /  would eat cereal bars all day  /  rides in the back of the cart  /  is currently into tattoos  /  prefers everything in twos  /  smitten with her newest stuffy ‘bubble kitty’  /  chooses ‘muppet studio’ every time  /  always observant of my ever changing nail polish  /  tries to distract you from being stern with a ‘you a funny goose mommy’  /  notices the slightest change in decor at home  /  cries when she can’t drive the car  /  dreams  /  states the iPad is always freezing  /  can not swim because she doesn’t have a tail  /  calls for ‘kimmm?’ from her crib  /  claims everything is fun  /  tells me somebody’s downstairs every morning  /  everything is big like her  /  lets us know ‘i’m back’ after she runs off and reappears  /  often asks for a boost  /  has a favorite for everything  /  requests a ‘better one’ always  /  has peed on the potty once  /  asks to visit drue’s house on a nightly basis  /  remembers everything  /  says ‘i love you’ unprompted  / is pretty kick a** cool if you ask me
monthly mini – logan
52 project – a portrait of logan, once a week, every week, in 2014
this little nugget turns two tomorrow. two! and to my disbelief, the nostalgia isn’t nearly as painful as it was last year. while i miss my teeny sweet baby, i adore the little sassy human this toddler’s turning into. having a built in bestie has proved to be the absolute best and is only getting better as each month passes. that said, i’m making a tradition out of our birthday date. so tomorrow, just her and i, doing whatever she well pleases. of course followed up with balloons, cupcakes and the rest of her gang to top off the festivities. there may even be a surprise visit from the ‘big elephant’ she’s been requesting for weeks (wink, wink). happy birthday baby girl!
monthly mini – logan
52 project – a portrait of logan, once a week, every week, in 2014
the speed at which this baby is taking on the world shocks me daily. who knew in just a few short months i’d be having full blown conversations with this once little ball of chub. it’ happened all too fast. at twenty-three months the countdown to two is on. logan’s current favorites, to list a few…
fish. any + all breeds. although one particular clown fish seems to be an absolute favorite.
cake, as always. requested for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
sleeping like a full blown teenager, spending seventy five percent of her days snoozing.
drawing circles and lines with my prisma colors. she’s got good taste in materials.
the color black.
memorizing the pages of her favorite stories.
riding rody, the minute she’s released from her crib.
dancing to anything with a beat. which looks more like walking super fast in circles.
eating nothing. at all.
milk. the warm kind.
brushing her ‘teef’. actually maybe just sucking down the paste.
moisturizing her lips. applied as often as i allow.
drue, her adorable baby cuz.
monthly mini – logan
52 project – a portrait of logan, once a week, every week, in 2014
this is lo in all her glory. approaching two at the speed of light. and as you know, i’m super nastalgic and this is shocking my system. i yearn for my teeny baby and spend a good half hour each night scrolling though her history. she gives me a fever. you know the kind. but then every now and then, when the timing is just right, i snap a picture that brings ease to my madness. that there last one is a perfect example. while we’re aware of our paci problems, that plastic crutch right there makes my almost two year old look like the quiet little chubby cheeked babe that originally stole my heart. and that, puts a huge smile on this mamas face.