it’s been some time since i’ve covered my girl’s essentials. fortunately these days, things are pretty simple and straight forward…she eats, sleeps and plays hard every minute in between. here’s what keeps us all sane.
eat: we originally used an overpriced schmancy highchair, that was actually super convenient as a sleeping pod in the kitchen/dining area during those first few sleepy months, but ended up turning logan into a spastic monster over time. quickly, every meal we tried to eat together turned painfully torturesome. we spent months agonizing over dinnertime and finally bit the bullet and bought something different, the stokke tripp trapp, which i can’t say enough good things about. no more flailing legs and sobbing shrills, as logan loves to pull right up to the table along side us. now choosing to eat vegetables over cake, that’s another battle for a different day.
sleep: we have a bedtime routine that includes a few key players. three to be exact. some i’m ok with and some that unfortunately need to hit the road in the not too distant future. it all starts with an aden + anais sleeping bag that keeps my wiggle monster warm and confined. then in comes the stuffies. you never know how many and who exactly will be included, but there’s never a question that this jellycat ‘rabbit’ isn’t lo’s arms. and lastly, we’ve got paci problems. one mam in her mouth, one mam clenched in her hand, and few thrown about the crib for good measure. none of us are looking forward to kicking this habbit, as we’ve all been sleeping beautifully for the past nineteen months.
play: it doesn’t take much to keep lo occupied during the day. i’m told she got it from me. the girl can read a l l d a y l o n g! for this reason we keep our shelves well stocked and recently added to our collection. however there’s a favorite handful that are in constant rotation. if she’s not reading, she’s usually coloring and these playon crayons are a must have favorite as they double as stacking toys. these ikea stacking rings are hands down the best six dollars spent on a toy. hours have been spent sorting and rearranging these colored blocks and the best part, the stick is rubber so you never have to worry about your mini taking an out eye. while lo could care less about what i dress her in, she sure has an opinion as to what goes on her feet. she’ll choose her hunter wellies rain or shine and when she’s not on the go they occupy her in the house: on, off, repeat. and last but not least, logan still loves her babies and insists on keeping them undressed, so these sonny angle babies are the perfect size to throw in my purse and take on the go.