its been quite over here. as in, us ladies have taken a minute or two to step back and focus what free time we have on the more important things. particularly the little people in our lives. or in my case, that not so little anymore person that calls me her best friend. logan turned three a few weeks back and we celebrated in the simplest of ways, partaking in her most favorite activities, surrounded by our families and very best friends. while it feels as though it’s time to hang this space up and move onto whatever’s next, i’m crushed and hesitant for obvious reasons. first: these chicks are my tribe and without them i’d be lost on this adventure through motherhood. good news is, i know where to find them elsewhere! second: this space capsules the beginning of our journey that is logan and i. and while i’m already nestalgic for my baby and thankful i’ve got her story documented right here, it is ONLY just the beginning. the future holds big adventure for us polinsky’s. after all that repeated talk, we’re actually moving to the city. and not the city of brotherly love, a hop skip and jump away. the big apple is calling our names! it’s exhilarating, and terrifying, and excitingly awesome and exhausting all in the same. and although i’m not sure where my internet presence stands, i know i’ve got a story to document somewhere. onto chapter three.
this is black, signing over and out.
chapter three
One Response to “chapter three”
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And after reading that I’m mush! A fun ride with two ladies who have my heart forever. Way beyond this little cyber space we made our home for a few years. Change is scary. But change is good. Cheers to the next chapter!