currently – black

currently august

currently missing: my canadians (big and small) who recently spent a week visiting, exploring philly by day and playing kan jam by night. these are my siblings from another mother. or as close as it gets. the people who click and no matter where we last left off we pick back up as if times stood still. i’m lucky to call them mine and miss them like mad already.

currently scouring: the neighborhood for a ‘pre’ pre-school for miss lo. otherwise known as a glorified play group. while it has us rattled that we’ve reached this stage in the game, we definitely think our girl is ready to spread her wings and interact with like minded littles.

currently weaving: it’s creative. it’s cathartic. and i can do it in the wee hours of the night while catching up on trash tv. perfection at its finest! next up – a masculine masterpiece for a particular mini due this fall.

currently dreaming: of the city. i know, shut up already and move right?! we’re thinking it’s time to put all the talk to rest and dive in head first. now if only i weren’t allergic to change.

currently plotting: to spend a few more days poolside in the heat + humidity before this summer turns to fall. it’s flown by and honestly there hasn’t been many opportunities to bask in the sun. after all, this tan needs to last all winter long.

One Response to “currently – black”

  1. blonde

    if that that particular mini is mine then i will stop stressing right this second. if there is a kimsterpiece headed our way then the nursery will be just fine.


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