currently black

july currently

currently reading: gone girl by gillian flynn. i’m embarrassed to admit it’s been exactly a year since i opened a real live book. which means my expectations are high. i’m here to report that this read has yet to disappoint. while i didn’t get as lost as i would have liked while ocean side last week, i’m definitely hooked and itching to turn the page.

currently running: that’s right. thanks to peer pressure, i owe two certain somebodies for getting my butt back in gear. and some new kicks. i have to say it felt good to hit the pavement and sweat a few beads. i’m sure the company and palm tree lined path had some influence as well. the key now is to stay on track and kick it up a notch in my own neighborhood.

currently anticipating: some face time with my favorite texans. even if only for a few hours. these are my people and i’ll take what i can get. and let’s not forget the arrival of our littlest boyfriend who’s due to show his face any day now. eeks!

currently loving: 14 months. aside from the ugly temper that’s beginning to show it’s nasty face, this kid is pretty much amazing. i look forward to her crazy personality and contagious laugh all the day long. now if only she could talk!

currently feeling: settled in. to motherhood that is. i must admit that first year was a bit of a shock to my system and it took some major patience and getting used to. recently i’ve learned to embrace this new version of myself and it feels pretty cozy. stay tuned, as there’s plenty more where this came from.

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