currently – black

2013.09.02 September

currently committed: to this here blog and excited to see where it takes us, even if only to stay connected as friends and document this journey as new mamas to always look back on.

currently chalking: a fall ‘to-do’ list, in hopes of easing the stress of daily planning and encourage spontaneity to re-enter our lives. the challenge is on and submissions are due. i’m dreaming of parties of three and dates for two in my very near future.

currently shopping: for 18-24 months! not only is someone showing a lot of leg these days, but with each new season comes the need for a new wardrobe. i’ve nonchalantly been collecting things here and there but it’s time to dig in and stock up from my go-to favorites.

currently smitten: with the obsession my girl has taken to my guy. i may be taking the seat as second fiddle, but nothing compares to the sound of ‘daddy, daddy’ around these parts lately. this kid!

currently anticipating: fall. by far my most favorite season without a doubt, with all its color, chill + spice. bring it on!

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