currently – black

2013.11.04 - November

currently 32: as of this past saturday. celebrated quietly, just how i like it. i’ve never been one to dwell over the number, but for some reason this particular one stings a bit. i kind of envision myself as 27 forever and always. years are flying by and my sentimental self is finding it hard to grasp.

currently anticipating: some down time. i often say ‘yes’ to more than i can handle and find myself scrambling to breath at the end of the day. i hit the point last week where i had to be reminded that i don’t have to live up to those wonder woman ways. here’s to a few days of piece of quiet

currently enjoying: a day off, courtesy of my boss man, who graciously sends you home for your birthday. while i had full intensions of spending the day recharging entirely alone, plans changed and i’ve got my small side kick with me. things could be worse (wink)… she is cute and makes for a pretty entertaining lunch date.

currently pinning: gift ideas! one of my favorite things is shopping for the perfect gift for each particular person. i put a ton of thought into it every year and with the holidays quickly approaching, my mind has already begun to tag some intriging finds.

currently snacking: on all the spicy treats fall has to offer. apple cider doughnuts, carmel apples, pumpkin ice-cream + spiced latte’s are currently warming my heart. it’ll be a sad day when these favorites are swiped off the shelves.

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