logan month-by-month

12 months B

12months total

it happened. logan turned one year old. we hosted a mini celebration over the weekend (more on that later) and had a date for two on her actual birthday. i toyed with the idea of taking off from work, and am so glad i decided to do so. it was the first time in a long time that i shut everything off and completely tuned in to this baby of mine for an entire day. we read books in bed, shared breakfast, wandered the please touch museum for a few hours, played in the grass, snuggled during a movie and had dinner and cupcakes with dada and the rest of the family. it was absolutely perfect! and while i’m still finding it hard to swallow, i must admit it’s exciting to see this baby girl come into her own and interact with us on a whole new level. she may be growing up, but this chica will always be my little mini!

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