one : all the heart eyes!
two : apparently ‘target’s boring for kids’. as are most errands according to logan as of late. the days of distracting her with treats and a particular talking tiger are long gone. instead i spend my time anxiously chasing her down between aisles as she attempts to run away from me. fun to say the least. in other words, i’m back to shopping alone. and it’s kind of heavenly!
three : you know those perfect adventures you envision with your little and more often than not they turn out completely different than planed, usually leaving you burned and defeated? my girlfriend pulled out all her magical tricks on this particular outing when she traveled into the city with me for a breakfast date and a quick romp around the new office. i’m still high.
four : we don’t do mornings. period. end of story.
five : a for effort. in both the faking and excuse department of napping. i’ve heard everything from ‘it’s not dark out’ to ‘my neck is hungry’. kid is persistent until she eventually zonks out for the better part of an entire afternoon.
six : february is the month of birthdays which gives us plenty of excuses for making lots of cakes. maybe one too many after hearing logan use the term ‘bunt cake’ last week. seriously?!
seven : any excuse to dress lo in those freaking adorable (thank you blonde) boots i take. i mean come on!
eight : while she may be super spicy and currently gives us a run for our money, she’s just as sweet and innocent all in the same.