the countdown to three is on. i don’t know how we got here so quickly, but i’m thankful it’s been a while since we’ve seen the ugly face of those terrible twos. i can’t remember the last time we had to take a seat and chill or painstakingly listen to shrills long enough to get through a check out line. honestly this past month has been adorably sweet and a tad hard to swallow. it’s evident we no longer have a baby in the house…
lo had her first school performance! while her signing and accompanying gestures were lacking, she nailed the bow. again, and again, and again. i love this kid!
rather than battle it out with her bestie these days, she’s taken to looking after her. after witnessing another bud shove drue, i overheard logan tell him ‘you can’t push her cause she’s my little cousin’.
lo has straight up legitimate phone calls with her aunt laura these days. they get their chat on while lo wanders the house with laura in tow, discussing every babydoll, bison, book and dust bunny in the way.
we’re into dance party’s these days and the moves i witness are pretty ridiculous. shake it off and uptown funk are repeatedly requested.
animals are still the hottest thing going. however rather than obsess over the animated kind, lo is currently smitten with the bears documentary.
chinese is her flavor of choice and when she’s not eating it she’s helping her daddy chop and prepare sous chef style.
pretending is her jam! sometimes she’s a bear. sometimes she’s a mama who has to leave her son (pop) for work. sometimes she’s caring for the baby doll that’s lost and long gone and kept in a ‘bag’ away from leon. and sometimes she misses her baby brother penny.
this kid is no joke. and while i’m slightly sad to see the chub disappear from the shelf of my hip, i’m smitten with the independent little friend now standing by my side. best friend if you ask her.