i’m starting off with a disclaimer…ignore the crap photography you’re about to witness. after five years, i still haven’t found the proper setting to shoot our interior in. receiving little to no natural light, i’m stumped and have given up on that one. and with a sick baby clinging to our every move this past weekend, this mama had to do what i had to do. fifteen minutes with my iphone to the rescue (wink). so anyway, this week we’re stepping inside. as i mentioned, we bought this home five years ago. our first investment as newlyweds. and what an investment its been! although it’s quaint and compact, we’ve resurfaced every square foot making this space our home with our own blood, sweat + tears. and while i whine about the lack of sunlight, i must confess this place is down right cozy on the coldest of winter days. here are just a few of my most favorite corners…
the living room: as our only living space, this is where we spend most of our time as three. and since the arrival of logan, this space has become pretty wide open and tactile. perfect for spilled toys and wrestle matches.
the kitchen: this is where it all goes down. that is, paulie feeds us and i clean up. all while a certain small human barks orders from her thrown centered right there in the middle of it all.
the dining area: backed up to the kitchen peninsula creating one large space, this is where a crowd forms. always. we’ve packed more people around this table and on the window seat than i ever imagined possible. definitely the heart of our home.
the upstairs landing: the top of our center stair makes for the perfect gallery space and this particular photo just happens to be my jam.
the office: this little dormed corner belongs only to me. it’s where i try to stay organized + creative way past my bedtime. and most currently shoo little hands away from those dangerously filled craft drawers.
logan’s nursery: layered + cluttered with color, pattern and toddler chaos, this spot is hands down my most favorite and sentimental. paulie better have a box of tissues on hand when we start rearranging come the new year.
awesome 🙂
i love this dark, cozy home. i have a feeling when you find your light drenched dream home you are going to miss these dark corners.