on kim: anthropologie scoopneck + urban outfitters button down + esley jacket + zara skinnies + asics
on logan: old navy terry dress + zara jacket (similar) + target leggings + converse chuck taylors
‘style sense’…ha! there’s a reason i don’t discuss style and stick to babes. as you can tell, i’m a bare bones kind of girl. i like to think of it as ‘less is more’ (wink). on a good day i can be up and out the door in fifteen minutes. case in point, this very morning! i’m my own worst enemy if left with any time to spare, standing in front of the closet distraught over white, gray or black. so it’s a good thing a toddler keeps me on my toes, rising ready to roll. these days my decisions are quite simple and comfort takes the win. most weekends you can catch me in something as basic as what you see. with a quick wave of the wand, lots of layers, stretch skinnies and sneaks, I’m ready to take on a weekend of exploring…dirt. if only I could get away with striped leggings and leopard print kicks.
lookin a little hot to be playing in the dirt, mama. and what is this site you got your jacket from that i have never heard of.
cool chicas!! blonde, i had the same thought about this site black has been keeping all to herself! love it when i learn new things from our own blog!
don’t let me fool you ladies! i snagged this little number from a shop around the corner. i’m as new to this site as you are 😉