currently – black

june currently

currently enjoying: summertime. as my two year old pointed out last week. realistically we may have nineteen more days to go. but who cares as long as those dreary wet days are behind us. see ya later spring!

currently anticipating: this upcoming weekend filled with college friends from near and far. my beloved texans are coming to town, which means a long winded lady date is in order, along with another dear friend close to my heart that i don’t see nearly enough these years, sprinkled with my favorites who stuck around town, all for one big fat (not greek) wedding. these were and still are my people. i can’t wait to giggle my way through the weekend!

currently stoked: to get my weave on come june fourteenth. like super, super stoked! i pulled the trigger and signed up for one of maryanne moodie’s workshops in brooklyn. her work is amazing and i can’t wait to learn a new craft. and better yet, i convinced my brunette to come along for the ride. jackpot!

currently sprucing: an armoire i recently thrifted. i’ve been on the hunt for the prefect piece to complete our spare room and house all my secret weapons. a particular peach beauty called out my name. i foresee her sanded and filled with fibers a plenty.

currently booked: to fly south and get the heck out of dodge. you have no idea how excited i am to shut down in the hot sun on a sandy beach, and how excited lo is to meet the big mouse that resides in the sunshine state. the twenty sixth can’t come soon enough!

monthly mini – logan







52 project – a portrait of logan, once a week, every week, in 2014

25 months  /  weighing in at 28 pounds and standing 34.5 inches tall  /  snoozes 11 hours a night  / naps 3 hours a day  /  loves to read  /  adamant about what shoes she’s wearing  /  is up for a hair bow on occasion  /  would eat cereal bars all day  /  rides in the back of the cart  /  is currently into tattoos  /  prefers everything in twos  /  smitten with her newest stuffy ‘bubble kitty’  /   chooses ‘muppet studio’ every time  /  always observant of my ever changing nail polish  /  tries to distract you from being stern with a ‘you a funny goose mommy’  /  notices the slightest change in decor at home  /  cries when she can’t drive the car  /  dreams  /  states the iPad is always freezing  /  can not swim because she doesn’t have a tail  /  calls for ‘kimmm?’ from her crib  /  claims everything is fun  /  tells me somebody’s downstairs every morning  /  everything is big like her  /  lets us know ‘i’m back’ after she runs off and reappears  /  often asks for a boost  /  has a favorite for everything  /  requests a ‘better one’ always  /  has peed on the potty once  /  asks to visit drue’s house on a nightly basis  /  remembers everything  /  says ‘i love you’ unprompted  / is pretty kick a** cool if you ask me

currently – black

currently may

currently giddy: from the weekend i got to spend alone with my better half. little miss lo headed to the beach while paulie and i stayed put and explored philly like the good old days. we missed our baby like crazy but enjoyed the uninterrupted attention. more reason to book that vacation.

currently downloading: american blogger. all the hoopla aside (cause i’ll wait to form my own opinion) i’m most excited to hear the real ‘voices’ behind so many ladies i’ve admired and followed over the years.

currently regretting: adding my beloved birkenstocks to the donate pile last fall. specifically the pair i bought abroad a few seasons back. they don’t call paris the fashion capital of the world for nothing. duh! guess i’ll be making a few online purchases. at least i know my size.

currently shopping: for a few new home furnishings + accessories. we’ve decided to stay put for the time being and could use a little freshening up. particularly in the rug department. oddly enough, this is no easy task for the designer in me. indecisive is my middle name.

currently encouraging: my dude to pick up his sticks and practice, practice, practice. the former pro in him is itching to give it another try and i can’t stress enough that us girls have his back. next week, the us open qualifier!

monthly mini – logan








52 project – a portrait of logan, once a week, every week, in 2014

this little nugget turns two tomorrow. two! and to my disbelief, the nostalgia isn’t nearly as painful as it was last year. while i miss my teeny sweet baby, i adore the little sassy human this toddler’s turning into. having a built in bestie has proved to be the absolute best and is only getting better as each month passes. that said, i’m making a tradition out of our birthday date. so tomorrow, just her and i, doing whatever she well pleases. of course followed up with balloons, cupcakes and the rest of her gang to top off the festivities. there may even be a surprise visit from the ‘big elephant’ she’s been requesting for weeks (wink, wink). happy birthday baby girl!

according to – kim






paul + logan. breaking my heart on the daily. going into this whole parenting thing blind, i had no idea what to expect. my guy had never really been around babies and had never even held one in his arms until lo came along. it’s true what they say, it all comes naturally once they’re your own. i’ve got proof. this guy of mine has been rocking parenthood for almost two years now. i on the other hand have been surrounded by little people my whole life, and most days i think he’s got this thing down better than i do. he makes it look easy. he’s laid back, he’s patient, he’s present, he’s fun and he exudes compassion. logan’s completely smitten. initially i ruled her world and it pulled at his heart strings as he waited his turn. today i get glares of panicked insanity when he can’t put her down. honestly, i don’t think either of us would have it any other way. these two have something going on and together the three of us are making quite a nice team. settling into these roles wasn’t the easiest journey. we’ve made it out alive and i’m pretty proud of where we’re at. we’re content and in love and i think it’s safe to say this little girl has maxed out our hearts and changed us forever.

currently – black


currently cleaning: spring style. in other words, i purge the crap out of our unnecessary ish and my dude hauls it to the dumpster. we make for a good team. we’re halfway through the house and it already feels magical.

currently pushing: ten push ups! which i know is barely nothing, but these scrawny arms of mine couldn’t do one a few months back. peer pressure and late nights are paying off these days.

currently trapping: whatever it is that’s been scurrying across the attic floor come midnight. might i add that said floor is directly over our bed and makes for some interesting shenanigans on a somewhat nightly routine these days.

currently adoring: the little love affair between those two striped cuties. lo had endless kisses and a watchful eye over that cute dude this past weekend. fine by me kid, cause i’ve got a soft spot for that guys parental unit as well.

currently reading: here comes the easter cat. again and again and again. good thing the illustrations are adorable and the story is witty, said so by my little book monster herself who giggles every time that silly cat takes off. even better, the story ends with an ‘oh, good grief’!

monthly mini – logan









52 project – a portrait of logan, once a week, every week, in 2014

the speed at which this baby is taking on the world shocks me daily. who knew in just a few short months i’d be having full blown conversations with this once little ball of chub. it’ happened all too fast. at twenty-three months the countdown to two is on. logan’s current favorites, to list a few…

fish. any + all breeds. although one particular clown fish seems to be an absolute favorite.
cake, as always. requested for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
sleeping like a full blown teenager, spending seventy five percent of her days snoozing.
drawing circles and lines with my prisma colors. she’s got good taste in materials.
the color black.
memorizing the pages of her favorite stories.
riding rody, the minute she’s released from her crib.
dancing to anything with a beat. which looks more like walking super fast in circles.
eating nothing. at all.
milk. the warm kind.
brushing her ‘teef’. actually maybe just sucking down the paste.
moisturizing her lips. applied as often as i allow.
drue, her adorable baby cuz.

currently – black


currently snowing: again! who knows, given that it’s march, this could be the last hurrah of the season. regardless, i’ll savor it while i can and enjoy another afternoon of snowman building. per request, a mama and baby snowman to be exact.

currently weaving: on a big girl loom with beautiful yarns opposed to elastic neon bands, which i’ll never deny for sparking this love affair. ladies this is where it’s at. i’ve started small and have big plans. to say the least, this cathartic craft has satisfied my itch. for now anyways.

currently boxing: logan first two years. i figure it’s best to get on it while she’s still itty bitty in the grand scheme of things. i have a box for each year with printed pictures, photo books, cards, art projects, sentimental chotskies, etc. you name it, i saved it. whether it’s more for myself than her is questionable, however i’d like to think she’ll appreciate the memories one day.

currently stepping out: into society past dark on a more frequent basis (thanks to eager grandparents). whether it be mid or week end, alone or with friends, it feels good to taste a bit of night life beyond our living room walls. and it’s been especially nice to catch up with friends without any distractions. the only downfall, once i’m out i never look back and hitting the pillow hard come two am isn’t the same as it used to be.

currently scheming: this years travel. there are thoughts of vacationing with friends, with family, alone as three and possibly even skipping the country as two. we’re dreaming big with high hopes, however anything adventuresome in the near future sounds nice right about now. did i mention it’s snowing again!

monthly mini – logan









52 project – a portrait of logan, once a week, every week, in 2014

this is lo in all her glory. approaching two at the speed of light. and as you know, i’m super nastalgic and this is shocking my system. i yearn for my teeny baby and spend a good half hour each night scrolling though her history. she gives me a fever. you know the kind. but then every now and then, when the timing is just right, i snap a picture that brings ease to my madness. that there last one is a perfect example. while we’re aware of our paci problems, that plastic crutch right there makes my almost two year old look like the quiet little chubby cheeked babe that originally stole my heart. and that, puts a huge smile on this mamas face.